Feeling wanderlust is living without fear.
You don’t even have to travel for this one, because all you have to do is travel with your mind, body and soul and everything else comes together. Living in fear is really something that most, or all of us do. It’s something that controls our entire day while ruining our entire mood. I deal with the same thing – sometimes it’s called anxiety, sometimes depression, or even nervousness.
My friend Tessa also deals with fear in her life. “Fear is something that we feel from the moment we are born, we just don't know it yet. Fear is what helps us go from crawling to walking to smiling to laughing to what keeps us breathing. While fear is something we associate with a negative connotation, it doesn't always have to be. Fear can be the one thing that allows us to live our dreams.
My fears, unfortunately, knows the negative manner all too well. My fears are what keep me from reaching what I want. I want everything. I want to feel love and life and everything in between. Only my fear, of failing, keeps me from reaching that goal.
It is what holds me back, like a rip current that keeps pulling me deeper and deeper into the ocean instead of pulling through. I let the what if's that fail to hold me back instead of the right nows and success keep me up. I am not sure why I let happen, why I let that small step keep a hold of me. Maybe when I get a taste of success, the love and career that I want, I'll be able to let loose of those what if's and just look to the right nows.” - Tessa
For me, when I deal with fear I always create a filter – this is something that I always do with myself, my relationships, my work and my spiritual vision. Most people are surprised to hear that I am a spiritual person just because I work in such a materialist world surrounded by the riches and famous. But I do. I’m not talking about doing rituals every day, I look at things different with a positive outlook and I do this by filtering out the bad and the good all together. And that’s my spiritual vision.
By doing this it helps me create a clear mind that lets me focus on myself with a clear heart. It makes things easier in life and simultaneously tales away all the bad. Now I’m not saying this will fix every fear you have within yourself because trust me, it won’t. I still deal with a lot of fear, but by doing this it makes things easier and clearer. I feel more secure with who I am and understand what makes my mind trigger and what makes my body tick - without letting the little things bother me. You’ll always have fear within yourself, just understand the good fear vs the bad fear and don’t let it travel throughout your mind, body, and soul.
Thanks for reading everyone
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Mahipal SoCal - @mahipalsocal
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