Fashion today is something that you Instagram, Tweet, Pin, post, share, like or don’t like.

Fashion, it’s something that you buy and wear, whether it’s a popular trend or style, it’s a form of art and a way to express yourself. The fashion industry is created through many different ways. You have your magazine editors that produce content for consumers each month on the latest news on celebrities, trends, and shows. Your PR teams that help produce fashion shows and events, designers that create clothes each season and showcase them at Fashion Week six months before they trickle down to retail stores so consumers can buy them. Your production teams, visual merchandisers that help make stores look nice, stylist that dress models and celebrities, writers that create content for media outlets, and so many more. These days however, it’s much different with the use of technology.

Before our modern technology you had to wait a few months just to see the new clothes and trends, everything was coming into the stores about the same time you would see it in magazines. When we started using the internet we were able to show things the same day and even the next day. Today social media and technology has changed the way we look at fashion. Fashion today is something that you Instagram, Tweet, Pin, post, share, like or don’t like the same day or even within seconds you see it. There are a lot of good things that come with the use of technology today and through using social media and with it being more hands on. Technology has changed the way we look at fashion today and how we look at it especially at fashion week all over the world.

With social media and New York Fashion Week, people get the idea that New York Fashion Week is more chaotic then it was the previous season or even a few years ago. The truth is we just have more media outlets and platforms covering it. Social media has created jobs within fashion such as creative websites for blogs, vlogs, and even new software such as apps like Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, and even blogs where they allows us to share our interest and create our own unique story. Social websites such as Facebook and Twitter are the most common where both allow us to communicate with others through posting and tweeting, retweeting and sharing, like or don’t like a story. In the end all social media and technology is, is it’s giving free marketing to major multi-billion dollar companies. Now who’s complaining about that? Not Ralph Lauren that’s for sure!

Okay so you want to become the next Carly Rae Jepsen, right? Or even Leandra Medine? Whatever you want to do social media is great and effective tool to use. Over all it has nothing to do with dedication and hard work, you just need to be smart – look at what you want and how you want to do it and how you want it to define yourself and your work. Do you want to write? Okay, what kind of content do you want to produce for others to read? Do you want to make a personal blog? What kind, your own style or portray others? A photo, make-up, hair, or even a style blog? If at first you just don’t know what you want to do (completely) and how you want it to define you, keep doing what you’re doing and be creative and keep up with it. The more you do it, the more it’ll form itself. But whatever you want to do, you’ll need to answer those questions in order to be successful, aka find your niche.

A pro for using social media, you are your own boss. You can do whatever you want, you can work at home, on the go, or even in the shower - yes there would be times when I would have a story pop in my head and then stopped what I would be doing and would write the first paragraph down. A major con for fashion writers or bloggers using social media, I can only count like a few out there that are good. Why? Not many are good at keeping up their own site and compelling content each day or even reaching to consumers.

People get the idea that the fashion world is wide open, which really isn’t the case. Ralph Lauren isn’t going to allow the average person in their show to Instagram a photo or Tweet the first look. People see this as a way to try and sneak in or even get granted access inside a world here that isn’t possible. But it’s also a good thing. It keeps people talking about clothes and more people become aware of what we do, where shows are, what celebrities will be around, and if they weren’t talking we wouldn’t sell anything fashion. Technology is going to keep growing and will never go away, it’s more than just a tool, and it’s a way to communicate and a new way to look at fashion.

Thanks for reading everyone
Be sure to follow me following my dreams

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Mahipal SoCal - @mahipalsocal


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